Picture: I went running in a T-shirt 2 weeks ago

And now... THIS! The snow has been coming down hard for the past two days
and has yet to let up. We have at least 2.5 feet now. It's not causing me
any problems yet, but I have to take a 3 hour bus ride to Skopje on
Friday, and most of the highway is carved into the sides of the mountains
with lots of steep grades and turns. While not a single street in Struga
is plowed, I think the major roads should be cleared. Maybe.
I'm going to Skopje for my mid-service medical exam. I don't think I can
fully express how EXCITED I am to get my teeth cleaned. Yup, over the span
of 27 months, we get our teeth cleaned ONCE. I think I'm single-handedly
supporting the floss industry.
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