Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Picture: Um.

I...I don't know what to say. You all will have to fill in for me. Click that comment link. You know you want to. (The first two words say "Music Group" in Albanian, in case you couldn't figure it out.)

Monday, July 11, 2005

Let the Countdown Begin!

October 29, 2005 is the magic day, my friends! I asked our Country Director (i.e. PC Macedonia head honcho) if I could move up my Close-of-Service (COS) date by a month, and she gave me the thumbs-up. It was surprisingly easy. I was expecting to have to plead my case before a jury of my superiors, but all I had to do was say “I want my mommy.” (Okay, not quite THAT easy, but close.)

If everything goes as planned, in exactly three months and eighteen days, I will be on my way to London for a nice, long, wear-out-my-welcome visit with Dan “Big Shot” Levy, who just received word that he will soon be moving to merry ol’ England and will be responsible for an obscene amount of GE’s money. (Single ladies in the London metropolitan area, call 1-900-DANIMAL for more information. Gentiles need not apply.) Dan and I will relive our dormitory days by fencing with my knitting needles while wearing funny hats and chemistry goggles. (Dang, I wish I had that picture to post.) From London, I’ll hop across the pond and FINALLY get to spend the holidays with my family in my own home. *Happy sigh*

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Picture: Stop Looking at Me, Swans!

I ran into this family of swans at the beach near my apartment building. They kept me entertained for half an hour. I highly recommend that everyone watch a swan preen its feathers while on land (the swan, not you) at least once. They manage to contort their necks into every position imaginable. Neither nook nor cranny is safe from the probing proboscis of the swan!

Henceforth, I shall refer to the swan as “Nature’s Colonoscope.” Especially that one on the left.