I haven’t written much about “work” recently. Things are fine, although I'm still in the "planning" stages of just about everything.
GLOBE ProgramGLOBE is a US-sponsored worldwide environmental science education program (
www.globe.gov). GLOBE started in Makdo a few years ago, but has been on a 2-year-long coffee break. It’s starting up again, and the high school that my host organization is affiliated with is a participant. A couple weeks ago, representatives from the Ministry of Environment delivered the chemicals and tools necessary to take atmospheric and hydrologic measurements. There is a small group of students who are trained in GLOBE protocol, as well as a few teachers who participate. We hope to recruit more students and teachers and train them in the procedures, as well as develop supporting activities and awareness of the GLOBE program in the community.
As an extension of the GLOBE program (which is a science-based endeavor), we are trying to start a local eco-club with high school students. Patty, the other environmental volunteer in Struga who is from the new group of volunteers, and I are recruiting kids who are enthusiastic about environmental issues and activities. We hope to work with them over the next year to develop their own leadership structure and club activities, as well as reach out to younger students. I hope that this club will simultaneously address multiple needs of Macedonia on a local level, including increasing civic participation and volunteerism, developing youth leadership skills, improving the environment and improving multiethnic relations.
Paper RecyclingMy organization is trying to start a non-residential paper recycling program. Right now, I think we are waiting for collection boxes to be delivered from the private paper recycling firm in Skopje. Next steps: making fliers and instructing offices/schools/organizations about the program.
Organizational DevelopmentI have made a brochure for my host organization in English and Macedonian. Next, we want to make a website, which will be an adventure for all parties involved. This month, I would like to meet with the members of the Board of Directors to do an organizational capacity assessment and discuss what their priorities are for the organization and for their activities. Once I have an idea what their vision is for the organization, I can suggest steps to take to inch (or centimeter?) toward that vision, such as writing a mission statement, writing strategic and operational plans, and encouraging member participation through surveys, meetings and newsletters.
English Class
Now that I am armed with lots of suggestions for how to run an adult English class, I am hoping to start one with interested teachers from the high school. I’ll talk with the principal this week.
Elementary School Environmental Activities
I have been visiting the local elementary school and meeting with the biology/ecology teacher. We are going to organize after-school environmental activities with interested students.
Anti-litter InitiativeA USAID-funded organization in Macedonia is sponsoring local anti-litter campaigns as part of their support to the emergent tourism industry. However, this organization doesn’t have enough manpower to implement the campaigns so they have enlisted the help of PCVs (who are universally nauseated by the amount of litter in the streets). The campaigns are set to begin in May or June. Struga is a special target area, so I’m hoping that we’ll receive some extra resources and attention.
SPA CommitteeNo, I’m not wrapped in seaweed sipping organic carrot-mango juice. SPA stands for Small Project Assistance, and provides grants of up to $3000 for projects facilitated by PCVs. I am on the SPA committee, which means that I help a couple volunteers develop thorough, SPA-eligible project proposals, then I read through all of the submitted proposals and recommend which ones should be approved for funding. There are about 5 other PCVs on the SPA committee, as well as 2 PC staff members and a USAID representative (all Macedonians). The deadline for proposal submission is this Friday. I’ll spend the next two weeks reading and evaluating the submissions, then the committee meets, discusses and decides who gets the moola. The two project proposals that I am “championing” (advising) are the creation of an environmental resource center in one of the national parks and training for farmers interested in organic agriculture.