Monday, March 21, 2005

Picture: Mazel Tov!

Picture: Mazel Tov!
Would you like some potato pancakes? They're kosher!

Last year sometime, an American vegan living in Skopje invited me to join his monthly vegan dinners. He was working (not volunteering) for an international organization and making bank, so he had lots of tasty treats that he purchased when traveling. Last summer, he was preparing to move to England and let me raid his kitchen for vegan vittles. I made out like a bandit with such delicious delights as coconut milk, curry paste and (of course) sweet potato pancake mix.

Well, a year later, I realize that I still have a lot of these items to use, so this weekend I tried to make the aforementioned sweet potato pancakes. I was a little sad to discover that the mix contained not sweet potatoes but white potatoes with sugar. Beggars can't be choosers. I had
some trouble with the frying (since I don't have much experience with that), but managed mild success. I was a little grossed out by the amount of oil on the pancakes, so I tried to blot off the excess. In the States, I would probably use paper towels, but paper towels aren't terribly commonhere, and--c'mon--I'm an environmentalist, so I didn't have any on hand. I
ended up using cheap-o recycled toilet paper instead. (It was off a new roll that had yet to enter the bathroom, so it was clean... enough.) However, the TP is so weak that it stuck to the potato pancakes and kind of blended in. I grew weary of picking out maybe-TP-maybe-potato spots, so I just gave up. I'm sure I ate some toilet paper. Mmm...toilet paper.

Overall, it was an entertaining and tasty experience, proving that Passover foods can be fun for Gentiles, too! Thank you, Manischewitz, for your delicious potato pancakes!

Side note: the apron was a birthday gift from Ann. Thanks! Love it!


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Liz A. said...

Here's a profound question: do those TP-noshing models have to wipe?

Rachel, glad to hear that you're hankering for GTS (howdya like THAT acronym?). I say go get it and make up for it by replacing some other auto-trips with walking or biking. As long as you suffer, because being a vegetarian and environmentalist must entail suffering.


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